Monday, December 21, 2009

Beyond speech and Mind

Beyond speech and mind,

Into the river of ever - effulgent Light

My heart dives

Today thousands of doors, closed for millennia

Are opened wide.

~Sri Chinmoy

1 comment:

Carver said...

These are stunning shots. So beautiful. I guess the one with water is formed from drought. I hope you get some rain.

I'll come back and listen to the videos when I get a chance. I enjoy seeing what music people post.

At quick glance the one I know is Yoko and John's War is Over/Happy Christas. I have that on vinyl and also on a CD. I even have the sheet music as my daughter learned to play it on piano and we'd each sing a part. I wish I'd thought to do that for old times sake when she was home for an early Christmas visit. Peace to you!

Oh and it's great seeing you post again. I have your blog in my feed reader and it was cool to see you had posted.